We are one week away, 7 days away from the end of this period and I can tell I seen a side of my yet unknown, a savage, natural, animal side, yet not tammed, yet not socially capable that is a part of me. I've met myself unlike any other year. And I'm happy about it. I now Know what I like, what I don't, I know that as much as I thought I knew myself, I don't. That as much as I thought I was defined, I'm not. I look in desperate at times, fragile... but real. I'm real for ones. I can face my monsters and I can take a run if I want to. I know now that I'm one step closer to the truth, and eventhough it was always staring at my face, I know understand things differently, I know what I love, how I love and what I can offer. Good or bad, I'm not a product, I'm me. I deserve to be loved for me. I will then carry my weight, carry my choices like an old ball and chain and walk proud, because I'm capable. I have to show what I'm able to give, how bright I can glow. I'm my own story.
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